Senin, 31 Oktober 2016


Today im learn synonyms verbs and adverbs in my class.
Synonyms verbs like :
Obliterate : Destroyed (Menghapus/Melenyapkan)
Severed : Cut (Memotong/Menghentikan)
Conceive : Create (Menciptakan Sesuatu)
Tolerate : Allow (Mentoleransikan)
Ingest : Consume (Mencernakan)
Pacify : Calm ( down ) (Menenangkan)
Calibrate : Adjust (Menyesuaikan)
Magnify : Enlarge (Memperbesar)
Incentivize : Support (Mendorong)
Speeculate : Theorize (Berteori)
Illustrate : Examplify (Menggambarkan)
Elucidate : Clarify (Pembentahan)
Impede : Interfere (Menghalangi)
Advocate : Motivate (Menganjurkan)

Synonyms adverbs like :
Methodically : Systematically (Sesuai Metode)
Begrudgingly : Resentfully (Dengan Menyesal)
Amicably : Quietly (Secara Damai)
Fiercely : Severely (Dengan Ganas)
Unintelligibly : Unclearly (Tidak Bisa Dipahami)
Sporadically : Occasionally (Dengan Sporadis/Sesekali)
Unequivocally : Indisputably (Dengan Tegas)
Zealously : Eagerly (Dengan Rajin)
Laboriously : Painfully (Dengan Kerja Keras/Dengan Susah Payah)
Earnestly : Decisively (Dengan Jelas)
Indisputably : Indisputably (Tidak Dapat Disangka)
Definitively : Absolutely (Dengan Pasti)
Faintly : Weakly (Dengan Lemah)
Discreetly : Privately (Dengan Hati-Hati)

Example :
. When using a laboratory must Privately to avoid mistakes that endanger.
. The manager wanted a weekly inspection, which is a methodically examination of all the equipment.
. Whether he leaves or not is or absolutely no importance to me
. The words issued by him can not be Unclearly

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