Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Smartphone Apps that you love

Good day friends all. At this time I would write two applications that I use most often. 
At the present time a lot of applications that we can use. These applications allow us as users.
The first application, which I use most often is the Line.


I love this app because
1. LINE provides free services can call for free bertelphone among users cut costs LINE without a pulse, 
just use the internet data.
2. Groups Messenger can be up to 100 members
3. LINE has a telphone numbers as Account ID such as Whatsapp, 
but also could have a User ID to allow people to invite us and hide ID number telphone us if it's privacy.
4. In addition, LINE also presents Add friend via QR code can be created for free via LINE, 
something rare in similar applications.
5. In addition to providing LINE emoticons and AutoText also adds new enhancements that Stickers, 
almost similar to the emoticons but with more expression and big, and too light.
6. LINE provides features Block / Black List ID or No HP we do not want, 
and also  password security features to prevent other people open and view the contents of our conversation.
7. LINE allows use in OS Windows / MacOS, yet possessed 
 Smartphone OS iOS (iPhone) or Android can Try via PC
Blocked List 8. There is a feature that you can use to block the user /
 phone number you want to be a friend to your contact.
9. Can be installed on a version of the laptop / computer.

  The second application that I like is BBM 
BBM Features Screen Share
Allows to share with friends what is being done on the phone. 
Among others: share photos, browser, even the camera so it seemed to be in a video call 
on a phone that is sure to be particularly a front camera for this feature to better use.
BBM Voice Features
 This feature allows us to say enough fuel langusng then convert it into words to be sent to the speaker,
 it is interesting to special lazy typing on the touch screen or mobile phone keypas.
BBM Connected Apps
 The possibility of using fuel this feature you can chat while using applications that 
are in the rooms and also invited to use the application but for now there has been a lot of support 
for applications with this BBM features.


Today im learn synonyms verbs and adverbs in my class.
Synonyms verbs like :
Obliterate : Destroyed (Menghapus/Melenyapkan)
Severed : Cut (Memotong/Menghentikan)
Conceive : Create (Menciptakan Sesuatu)
Tolerate : Allow (Mentoleransikan)
Ingest : Consume (Mencernakan)
Pacify : Calm ( down ) (Menenangkan)
Calibrate : Adjust (Menyesuaikan)
Magnify : Enlarge (Memperbesar)
Incentivize : Support (Mendorong)
Speeculate : Theorize (Berteori)
Illustrate : Examplify (Menggambarkan)
Elucidate : Clarify (Pembentahan)
Impede : Interfere (Menghalangi)
Advocate : Motivate (Menganjurkan)

Synonyms adverbs like :
Methodically : Systematically (Sesuai Metode)
Begrudgingly : Resentfully (Dengan Menyesal)
Amicably : Quietly (Secara Damai)
Fiercely : Severely (Dengan Ganas)
Unintelligibly : Unclearly (Tidak Bisa Dipahami)
Sporadically : Occasionally (Dengan Sporadis/Sesekali)
Unequivocally : Indisputably (Dengan Tegas)
Zealously : Eagerly (Dengan Rajin)
Laboriously : Painfully (Dengan Kerja Keras/Dengan Susah Payah)
Earnestly : Decisively (Dengan Jelas)
Indisputably : Indisputably (Tidak Dapat Disangka)
Definitively : Absolutely (Dengan Pasti)
Faintly : Weakly (Dengan Lemah)
Discreetly : Privately (Dengan Hati-Hati)

Example :
. When using a laboratory must Privately to avoid mistakes that endanger.
. The manager wanted a weekly inspection, which is a methodically examination of all the equipment.
. Whether he leaves or not is or absolutely no importance to me
. The words issued by him can not be Unclearly

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

What the movie decribes my life



 Good morning friends all the blog readers. This time I am going to write a movie that is very inspiring to me. This movie by Ari Sihasale tells about events East Timor break away from the embrace of the Homeland. Tatiana and Merry (second child Tatiana) have to part with Mauro (first child Tatiana). Mauro and uncle remained in East Timor while Tatiana and Merry live in refugee camps in Kupang, NTT.

Tatiana emergency school teaching in the camps. Merry also a pupil there. At the school there was a boy who mischievously named Carlo. Carlo often work on Merry. Day after day passed making Merry misses his brother. At her home, Merry dressing her brother into a pillow and pillow chatting it that feeling nostalgic Merry little relieved.

Finally, one day Tatiana got the information that he can meet with his son Mauro the border. Merry tau was also eager to get to the border to meet his brother but within the camp to the border so far.

Merry is already very missed by her brother finally decided to leave the border alone daring. Tatiana was worried and Abu Bakr told Carlo to follow Merry. On the way to find Merry eventually Carlo. After long arguing told Merry to return Carlo budge and he accompanied Merry go to the border. After passing through a long journey finally they reach the border.

Arriving there Merry straight for her sister. After a long search finally able to meet Mauro Merry brother. Merry so excited that she cried and when it also appears Tatiana were escorted to the border by Abu Bakar. Eventually they all be reunited.